Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Iran An Islamic Country Essay - 1386 Words

As Iran is an Islamic country, the most basic human needs were illegal, censored or blocked; laughing in the street as a girl or falling in love were considered bringing shame to the family, listening to Western music was a sin, Internet was illegal, and watching certain kinds of movies was a crime. Although, nowadays things have improved and the new generation is stronger and more resilient than when I lived there. In Iran, Islamic rules are the only rules being enforced. They could care less about how you are access the information, and care more about the information being accessed. The only situation a person could be arrested or fined would be if they are caught owning or distributing the banned content. The government was so good at filtering all the channels that would bring us anything from the outside world, and we were so good at using proxies. I moved to the states when I was 15 years old. I have lived in two completely different worlds. In one, there are laws, regulations, and books about a matter called copyright; in another there is not even a word in the dictionary related to that. It is interesting to witness the two. It is somehow surreal how these two countries differ in terms of those rights. When I was introduced to the latest movies and music hits through alternative sources, we did not even know how to spell ‘copyright’ in Iran. In Iran, we gained access to the Internet when I was about 13-14 years old. Through Internet, we were exposed to all theShow MoreRelated1979 Iranian Revolution and Ayatollah Khomeinis Role in the Revolution1170 Words   |  5 Pagesthe country of Iran for the better. The Iranian revolution resulted in many events which include the overthrow of Reza Shah Pahlavi, and the upbringing of Ayatollah Khomeini. Ayatollah Khomeini who replaced Reza Shah with the role to improve a better perspective about Islam and to protect the realm of the Shiaa community. 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This is a very broad question so it much be asked and answered for many different levels of society. Looked at this way this question is actually collection of questions. What effect did the Islamic revolution have on the wealthy within the country? What effect did it have on the poor? What affect did it have on the governmentRead MoreIran s Political System Of The United States950 Words   |  4 PagesA combination of Islamic theocracy with democracy makes Iran’s political system one of the most complex and unusual political system of the world. The clerical regime with a highly complicated government structure has known as an adversary of the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East. While the historical hostility between the countries, is more than the Iran’s nuclear program, but now the center of debates, is Iran’s nuclear program. The Joint Comprehensiv e Plan of Action (JCPOA) has reduced tensionsRead MoreEssay on Iranian Revolution1496 Words   |  6 Pagesrole of Islamic fundamentalism in the 1979 Iranian revolution (1200) Various factors influenced the 1979 Iranian revolution, but at the core of this significant event was Islamic fundamentalism. The Iranian religious leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, led this movement to end the thirty-seven-year reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, also known as the Shah of Iran (Diller 1991, p.152). The revolution was a combination of mounting social, economic, political and religious strains. The nation of Iran was neverRead MoreThe Iranian Revolution1494 Words   |  6 PagesPersians. During Reza Shah’s reign in Iran, Israel and Iran cooperated on many levels as they were united by a common enemy and shared interests. However, there has always been a substantial ideological split between the Iranian theocracy focused on the triumph of Islam, and a Jewish state dedicated to the security of its people. Thus, these close relations ended abruptly after the 1979 Iranian Revolution when Ayatollah Khomeini, a leader devoted to traditional Islamic religious values, too k power, andRead MoreTaking a Look at the Iranian Revolution892 Words   |  4 Pagesestablishing a new system called Islamic republic. Iranian revolution has also a lot of impact on Islamic countries. The Iranian revolution was the one of the most positive revolution which is ever took place in Iran. There are many names for Iranian revolution which took place in 1979. One of the named for this revolution was Islamic revolution of Iran. This revolution is about to over throw an old monarchy system with a new system. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was the leader of Iran before the revolution.Read MoreThe Military Of The Iranian Military1448 Words   |  6 PagesSince the Islamic Revolution of February 1979, the clerics have won themselves a solid base of supporters, in order to attempt to hold their power in the country. They have achieved this by giving the military a more passive role in the government. Although, some officers who trained under the Shah remained in the military after his departure, a less passive may be in store for the Iranian military. The regime has been able to consolidate Iran’s power in attempts to recycle power and one of theRead MoreEssay about Religious Conflicts with the Iranian Government1545 Words   |  7 Pagesconflict but more specifically, Iran. Iran is an Islamic state where Islam is practiced within politics. The Constitution of 1979 runs off of the basis of Islamic Law. The population of Iran varies upon resources but they are all around the number of seventy million people. The country is 90 percent Shia Muslim and eight-percent Sunni Muslim.1 The rest of the country is made up of very small minority religions. The minority religions have very little influence in the country and are easily thrown aroundRead MoreThe Iranian Revolution And The Revolutionary Revolution1313 Words   |  6 Pagesits supports. Supporters of the revolution stood mixed in their goals for a new Iran. The Islamic Extremist lead by Ayatollah Khomeini wanted to install an Islamic regime inside of Iran that would fol low Islamic law. Religious clerics viewed the Shah as not being a positive leader of Iran and wanted him overthrown and the country left as is. Iranians such as the middle class and students wanted to install an Islamic republic in place up the autocratic monarchical society which the Shah created. All

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